Sunday, March 20, 2011

Battery Cables

The Pulsar used 2/0 welding cables to connect the batteries together.  Since I want to reuse the snake - or longest cables that run from the back to the front of the car, I'll need to change the lugs. (I want to say this is about 12 feet long) The Pulsar used 6V batteries with a standard terminal.  I'll need to change these to lugs that fit a 8 mm bolt.  The LiFEPO4 batteries I use have a 8mm bolt that attaches each battery together in what they call a serial configuration.
This also allows me to connect a cable to another cable easily should the cable not reach all the way.  Simply bolt them together and cover with some insulation of some type.  I like to use foam pipe insulation and electrical tape so the connection doesn't touch anything.

To convert the cable you have to have the right tools which you can get from any EV store.  First you use the monster size wire cutters and slice right through the end of the cable which cuts off the terminal.  Then use use the razor slicer and chop off about a half an inch of rubber sleeve to expose the wire.  Now slide the lug over the wire and fit everything into the sledge hammer type crimper.  Carefully hold the crimper while you pound away with the 5 lb sledge hammer.  That last part is putting on some shrink wrap so it covers any exposed wire.  Use a hair dryer or something similar, I have a heat gun in the photo. Notice I have black and red shrink wrap, this makes it easy to remember which cable goes to which connection.  If you hook the cables up the wrong way, you can get one heck of a shock.

Of course most of us EVers like to play with electricity anyway.  We just do it with extra care and safety.  : )

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