Saturday, December 17, 2011


OK, it's been awhile and the weather outside is frightful....(By the way, Merry Christmas!)

So where am I on completing this project?  What challenges do I still have to conquer?
  Good Qustions that beg an answer.  First, some pictures.....

Yes, It is driveable.  But there are some things that need to be done:
New tires, alignment, bleed the master cylinder, install the interior headliner, make sun visors, problem-solve the flywheel adapter plate connection (still wobbles some), install the 12V battery and DC to DC converter, hook up the heater, etc...

It is fun to drive but noisy - fiberglass cars are just that way, even though I put in that RAAMmat.  I can only imagine what it would sound like without it.